Monday, September 9, 2013

Plant Evaluation Project for AL Botanical Gardens

As the Fall class semester is getting underway, many great opportunities have come my way in Public Horticulture.  The majority of them have come in the form of my research project's development.  The momentum of my new project is picking up speed, and there are several groups and individuals on board with it that are as excited as I am about being a part of the project.

My project consists of implementing a variety of plant trials/evaluations at three public garden entities throughout the state of Alabama.  It is meant to evaluate the performance and public perceptions of some of the horticulture industry's up-and-coming and popular plant cultivars in different locations.  Several groups have developed programs like this before, but have typically had difficulty sustaining maintenance needs for plantings of this degree.  The time involved in traveling to take data, pull weeds, and water new plants can be daunting for just one or two individuals.  So, in order to alleviate some of the maintenance work load, we're partnering with Master Gardener groups throughout the state to play a huge role in helping with this portion of the study.  In addition, these folks will be vital in the survey portion of the study which will give people from the Green Industry, garden clubs, and public garden guests a chance to weigh in on their favorite plants and why they would purchase them for their own gardens.

The people I've met with at Huntsville Botanical Gardens and Dothan Area Botanical Gardens have been stellar in there acceptance and enthusiasm for this to happen.  These two gardens are very different in the demographic of guests that they draw from and the exhibits they offer, but both are managed by a wonderful staff and committee that have the same desires in their mission statements that I expand the world of horticulture and promote excellent, new plants to people everywhere.

These new partnerships will hopefully be great connections for the future of Auburn University's Public Horticulture program.  The possibilities that could develop in regard to teaching, projects, and public service projects are endless.  Being a part of the beginning of partnerships that could benefit groups for years to come excites me and helps me better envision my career and what I'd like it to be.  The opportunity to be a part of this program continues to make me grateful for this time in my life, and I'm looking forward to the possibilities that it can bring.

That's a snippet of what's going on in my corner of the world.  Catch ya again soon!!    

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